Is Your Guy Really the "Woke Bae" He Claims to Be?

So, you thought your date was totally on the same page as you when it came to important social issues, but now you're starting to see some red flags. From offhand comments that make you cringe to a lack of awareness about current events, it might be time to reevaluate things. Check out these 15 signs that your date might not be as "woke" as you thought, and consider whether this is a dealbreaker for you. And if you're ready to meet someone who shares your values, check out this revolutionary app that's helping Muslim singles find meaningful connections.

In today's social and political climate, being "woke" has become a desirable trait in a partner. But how do you know if the guy you're dating is truly as socially conscious as he claims to be? Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating might not be the "woke bae" he thinks he is.

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He's Uninterested in Social Justice Issues

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One of the most obvious signs that your guy might not be as woke as he claims is his lack of interest in social justice issues. If he seems to be indifferent or apathetic towards important issues like racial inequality, LGBTQ+ rights, or feminism, it might be a red flag that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

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He Makes Sexist or Racist Jokes

Pay attention to the jokes and comments your guy makes. If he frequently makes sexist or racist jokes, it's a clear sign that he's not as woke as he claims to be. A truly woke bae would never make jokes that perpetuate harmful stereotypes or contribute to oppressive systems.

He Doesn't Listen to Your Experiences

A woke bae should be a good listener and empathetic towards other people's experiences. If your guy consistently dismisses or belittles your experiences as a woman, person of color, or member of the LGBTQ+ community, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

He Doesn't Educate Himself

Being woke isn't just about being aware of social issues, it's also about actively educating oneself. If your guy shows no interest in reading books, watching documentaries, or engaging in conversations that challenge his worldview, it's a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

He Doesn't Support Your Activism

If you're passionate about social justice issues and your guy doesn't support your activism or tries to downplay its importance, it's a sign that he might not be as woke as he claims. A truly woke bae would be supportive of your efforts to make the world a better place.

He Doesn't Challenge His Privilege

Being woke also means being aware of one's privilege and actively working to challenge it. If your guy doesn't acknowledge or challenge his privilege as a man, white person, or straight person, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

He Doesn't Respect Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is an important aspect of being socially conscious. If your guy consistently crosses your boundaries or disregards your consent, it's a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

He Doesn't Support Intersectional Feminism

True wokeness involves understanding and supporting intersectional feminism, which recognizes that gender equality is intertwined with other forms of oppression. If your guy only supports mainstream, white feminism, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

He's Defensive When Called Out

A truly woke bae would be open to feedback and willing to learn from their mistakes. If your guy gets defensive or dismissive when called out on his problematic behavior, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

He Doesn't Challenge Problematic Behavior in Others

Being woke also means challenging problematic behavior in others, not just in oneself. If your guy stands by silently when his friends or family members make sexist, racist, or homophobic comments, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

He Doesn't Support Marginalized Communities

A woke bae should actively support and uplift marginalized communities. If your guy doesn't show support for LGBTQ+ events, Black Lives Matter protests, or other movements for social justice, it's a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

He Doesn't Acknowledge Systemic Oppression

Being woke involves understanding and acknowledging systemic oppression. If your guy denies or minimizes the existence of systemic racism, sexism, or homophobia, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

He Doesn't Challenge Gender Norms

True wokeness involves challenging traditional gender norms and supporting gender diversity. If your guy reinforces traditional gender roles or shows discomfort with non-binary or transgender individuals, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

He Doesn't Make an Effort to Learn Pronouns

Respecting people's pronouns is an important aspect of being socially conscious. If your guy doesn't make an effort to learn and use the correct pronouns for transgender or non-binary individuals, it's a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

He Doesn't Take Action

Ultimately, being woke is about more than just talking the talk; it's about taking action to create positive change. If your guy talks a big game about being socially conscious but doesn't actually take any meaningful action, it's a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

In conclusion, being "woke" is more than just a trendy buzzword; it's about actively working towards social justice and equality. If the guy you're dating exhibits any of these signs, it might be time to reevaluate whether he's truly the "woke bae" he claims to be. Remember, actions speak louder than words, and true wokeness requires consistent effort and dedication.